1) Ashtead Squash and Tennis Club welcomes new members of all types at any time of the year.

2) Any person who wishes to become a Member should submit an application form freely available within the Club Premises or online via the Club Website.

3) Membership Categories are as follows:

  • a) All Sports Membership
  • b) Tennis only Membership
  • c) Padel only Membership
  • d) Student Membership
  • e) Junior Membership
  • f) Family Membership
  • g) Social Membership
  • h) Associate Membership
  • i) Honorary Membership
    Or such other categories as the General Committee shall decide from time to time.

4) All members may use the social facilities of the Club during all Club opening hours.

5) Each membership type has a different subscription rate and has different privileges and responsibilities as follows:

a) All Sports membership

i) All sports members have the combined privileges of Squash, Tennis and Padel Memberships and may play squash, tennis, racketball, padel or any other permitted game, at any time, provided the court has been booked and paid for in the appropriate manner before playing.

ii) The only exception to paying a full court fee is when playing with a junior member at off-peak times (Padel court fees apply at all times).

b) Tennis membership

i) Tennis members are allowed to play tennis at any time from 9:00am till 9:00pm (weekdays) provided the court has been booked in the appropriate manner before playing.

ii) Court fees are not required for tennis courts.

iii) Tennis members may play on the squash courts or padel court up to 6 times in any membership year providing the court is booked and paid for and that a £4 guest fee is paid on each occasion.

iv) Floodlight tokens (silver token) are available to purchase for court 1 from the bar during bar opening hours at £3 per half an hour.  Floodlights can only be used until 9pm on a weekday, 7:30pm on Saturdays and 6pm on Sundays.

c) Padel membership

i) Padel members are allowed to play padel at any time from 9:00am till 9:00pm weekdays (up to 6pm on Saturdays and 4pm on Sundays during the summer months) provided the court has been booked and paid for in the appropriate manner before playing.

ii) Floodlight tokens (gold token) are available to purchase from the bar during bar opening hours at £1 per half an hour.  Floodlight tokens can only be used until 9pm on a weekday, 6pm on Saturdays and 4pm on Sundays.

iii) Junior members are allowed to book and use the Padel court at any time, but under 13s must be supervised by an adult at all times.   Padel court fees apply at all times.

d) Student membership

i) Student membership is open to persons aged 18 to 23 inclusive whether studying or not. Student members have the same privileges as all sports members but pay a reduced annual subscription. There is no reduction in court fees except under rule 5) a) ii) above.

e) Junior membership (members up to the age of 18)

i) Junior members are allowed to play squash, tennis, padel or racketball at any time but must book and pay for squash courts after the 5:15 booking period. Squash courts are free for juniors up till 6pm, but must be booked & always be vacated in favour of members with a booking.

ii) No court fees are required for tennis courts at any time, but the courts should always be booked in the normal way.  Padel court fees apply at all times and should always be booked and paid for before playing.

iii) Junior members may bring visitors to the Club up to a maximum of six times in any membership year per individual. The £2 visitor fee is payable for each visitor (max 3 for tennis and 1 for squash) and the courts should always be booked.

f) Family membership

i) Family membership covers a maximum of two adults together with any number of their children up to the age of 18. The adults are entitled to the privileges of all sports membership, and those under 18 are entitled to junior membership conditions.

g) Social membership

i) Social members are entitled to use of all the club’s facilities but can only play squash or tennis six times (each sport) per membership year with a playing member. Courts must be booked and paid for as appropriate and a visitor’s fee paid before play commences.

ii) Junior social members may bring only one visitor to the Club at a time up to a maximum of six times in any membership year.

h) Associate membership

i) Associate members may only play squash, tennis or padel with a junior member, or a junior visitor. Times and court fees are as for junior members (see rule 6) g) above)

i) Honorary membership

i) Honorary members are elected for life in recognition of their services to the Club. They are entitled to all the benefits of membership, pay no annual subscription but do pay court fees if playing squash or padel.

Booking of courts (squash, tennis and padel)

6) Squash, tennis and padel courts can be booked up to 14 days in advance through the MY Courts online booking system – This can be accessed through the desktop terminal in the club vestibule or through remote internet linked devices. All members will be provided with access codes for this booking system.

Subscriptions and Court Fees

7) Subscriptions for each category of membership are reviewed and determined each year by the General Committee and the new rates published in advance of the annual renewal date (1st July). Subscriptions shall become due each year on 1st July and must be paid within thirty days.

8) Any member who has not paid his or her subscription within 40 days after it becomes due shall cease to be a member of the Club. The General Committee, however, shall have power to reinstate a member who gives a satisfactory explanation for the default.

9) Squash Court Fees (currently £4 per 45 minute session) are payable on all court bookings except those by juniors before 6:00pm. Fees must be paid at time of booking through the Club booking system and always in advance of play.

10) Padel Court Fees (currently £8 per 30 minute session) are payable on all court bookings.  Fees must be paid at the time of booking through the Club booking system and always in advance of play.

Opening Hours

11) The Club shall be open at such times as shall be determined by the General Committee, and these times shall be exhibited in the Club, provided that:-

i) the Club may be closed such other days as the General Committee may determine and

ii) the General Committee may alter the hours during which the Club is open.

12) The hours during which intoxicants may be consumed will be; Monday to Friday 5:30pm – 10:30pm
Saturday 11:45am – 8:00pm (may be varied for events or private parties) Sunday 12noon – 10:30pm
or such other hours as may be decided by the General committee, provided that such hours shall fall within the permitted periods appointed by the Licensing Act 2003 and any subsequent enactment. Thereafter, the Steward shall be instructed to remove all glasses etc. and to throw away any unconsumed liquor therein

Conduct of Members

13) All Members shall be subject to these Rules and shall further abide by the rules and regulations of the applicable sports governing bodies (England Squash & Racketball and British Tennis/LTA), from time to time in force.

14) Members attending the club are requested to park their vehicles in an orderly manner in the Club’s own car park. Parking in Skinners Lane is prohibited.

15) Whilst on Club premises no members shall:

a) Play any unlawful game or indulge in unlawful gaming.
b) Make or accept bets.

16) The Committee shall be empowered to limit the stakes at Bridge or any other game.

17) All complaints regarding staff or service must be made to the General Committee. No member shall in any circumstances :

a) Reprimand a Club employee.
b) Induce any member of the staff to leave the Club’s employment.

18) Any member, who shall break or otherwise damage any property of the Club may, at the discretion of the General Committee be called upon to make good or pay for such breakage or damage.

19) No member or body of members shall sell or offer for sale on the Club’s premises, articles, goods or services of any kind, class or description, whatsoever, unless the consent of the General Committee has been first obtained.

20) No member shall bring to the Club premises any intoxicants for consumption thereon, unless the consent of the General Committee has first been obtained and an appropriate corkage fee agreed and paid.

21) No member or visitor may smoke in the clubhouse.


22) Visitors/Guests are very welcome and every member of the Club may introduce visitors at all times. On entering the Club the visitors, who must be accompanied by the introducing member, must enter their names in the book kept for that purpose.

23) Any member introducing a visitor is personally responsible for the behaviour of his or her guests. The member is responsible for the booking and payment of court fees and the collection of the standard visitor’s fee of £4 per adult and £2 per child for any of the racket sports.

24) No one visitor shall be permitted to play squash, tennis or padel more than 6 times (each sport) in any membership year. The exception to this is non-members attending coaching or training sessions organised by Club coaches, where there is no limit on the number of sessions an individual may attend. The visitor’s fees will be collected by the coach and paid in to the Club in all instances.

Resignation and Expulsion

25) A member may withdraw from membership of the Club on 30 days clear notice to the Club. Membership shall not be transferable in any event and shall cease immediately on death or on the failure of the Member to comply or to continue to comply with any condition of membership set out in these Rules.

26) The General Committee shall have power to expel a member when, in its opinion, it would not be in the interests of the sport or of the Club for him/her to remain a member.

27) A member shall not be expelled unless he/she is given 14 days’ written notice of the meeting of the General Committee at which his/her expulsion shall be considered and written details of the complaint made against him/her.

28) The member shall be given an opportunity to make written representations and/or to appear before the General Committee and at any such meeting to be accompanied by a representative or friend, who may answer complaints made against the member and to cross-examine any witnesses on behalf of the member. The member must not be expelled unless at least six members of the General Committee are present at the meeting and two-thirds vote in favour of his/her expulsion. The General Committee may exclude the member from the Club’s premises until the meeting considering his/her expulsion has been held. For the avoidance of doubt, the member shall be entitled to attend that meeting for the purpose of making his/her representations.

29) Any person ceasing to be a member forfeits all right to and claim upon the Club, its property and its funds and he/she has no right to the return of any part of his/her subscription. The General Committee may refund an appropriate part of a resigning or expelled member’s subscription if it considers it appropriate taking account of all the circumstances.


30) Squash shoes should be of the non-marking variety and the soles must be clean before going on court. Proper tennis shoes (not heavy ridged trainers) should be worn on the tennis courts.

31) The Club aims to conform to the standards and requirements of England Squash & Racketball and British Tennis/LTA. Members taking part or involved with junior activities or coaching should play their part by following the guidance of the appropriate governing body.

32) Mobile telephones must be switched off before going on court or on to the spectator galleries. Elsewhere in the club the telephones may be used but members should use them discreetly or retire to the lobby for longer conversations.

33) Parents of children, or members bringing children, are responsible for their conduct and safety whilst on the Club premises. Children on the Club premises must conduct themselves in a manner, which is not prejudicial to the enjoyment of the facilities of the Club by the members.

34) Dogs are not permitted on the Club premises unless they are guide or assistance dogs.

35) It is a responsibility of members and visitors to familiarise themselves with the fire safety arrangements of the clubhouse as displayed on notices in the clubhouse.