Group Adult and Junior Tennis Coaching - Autumn Term 2024

JUNIOR Coaching:

Junior coaching will resume on w/c 16th September on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings with our coaches Andy Keetch and Cedric Ngassam.   Please click this link for a readable pdf – note programme autumn term september to december 2024

Bookings for all group adult (including Cardio Tennis) and junior tennis coaching is with MB Tennis. Please contact them directly using this link

ADULT Coaching:

Cardio Tennis – Tuesdays 12pm (1 hr) – £8 for members, £10 for non-members

Cardio Tennis is now managed by a WhatsApp group.  QR codes for this is on the noticeboards or please contact MB Tennis directly.


Starting 17th September 2024

Pay and Play ‘Back to Tennis’ for Beginners/Improvers – Tuesdays 11am (1 hr) – £8 for members, £10 for non-members

This will also be managed by a WhatsApp group.  Please contact MB Tennis directly if you are interested in this.



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